several people believe bullying is only a problem for school childrennfortunately, those that believe bullying only exists in the playground are fairly much mistakenaking jibes and insults towards colleagues could be the regular office mockery but how do you know when one person's friendly joke has turned into another person's miseryhe remarks and behaviour may well be acceptable to the bully but the victim may possibly suffer loss of confidence and dread coming to worko how do you differentiate between taking a joke and being the victim of a malicious bullyiagnosisFriendly Banter or Vicious Name Callingoss of confidence If the remarks are developing you paranoid the joking has gone at the same time faro one should be forced to feel inadequate or less valuable than their colleagues and if this is how a co-worker has made you feel then you are a victim of bullyingreading work If a colleague is developing you either scared or not wanting to attend work given that of their behaviour, then you are a victim ... [Read More - Stop Panic Attacks Medicine]

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